Community. Tribe. Sangha.

Meet our friends!

Älmhult is a global village, rich on creative and engaged entrapreneurs and small businesses. One of the six tenents of Yoga of Recovery, is Life is Relationship - showing us the importance of nurturing personal relationships and being part of a community to live a full life. Being in the company of others that share a similar vision and passion is empowering, supportive and inspiring!

Below you can learn about some of the people in our community that we fullheartedly support and also often co-create and partner with. When you support a small business, you are supporting a dream!

Zara Tall, Be U by Zara
Tantra therapist

Zara rents MyYoganess studio regularly to offer BURN (free movement & dance). In BURN you let the body guide you inwards and home to your self. The music guides you on a journey where you can release, let go and sense into everything that goes on within you. We start and end together in meditation. In a BURN class all of you is welcome. There is no right way to move - just your way.

Liselotte Johansson
Vigenstorp Yoga

Lise-Lotte offers yinyoga, forrest yoga and more at Vigenstorp Yoga & Mindfulness in her beautiful countryside studio between Älmhult and Osby. You can also rent the studio for courses and retreats. We did the pilot of MyYoganess teacher training at her studio and it is amazing!

Martina Lennartsson
Studio Fri

In Osby you find Martina, who is creating Studio Fri - a small and cosy space for grounding & stillness. Combining practices from east & west, tradition with science she offers slow movement, meditation, breathing & reiki.

Local vegan café & catering

MUFF är en kulturell och kulinarisk mötesplats för alla. På MUFF serveras växtbaserad, hemlagad mat, sådant som vi själva äter och må bra av. Vi samarbetar gärna med lokala aktörer, handlar ekologiskt och anpassar menyn efter de svenska säsongerna. Viktigast av allt vi lagar mat med kärlek.

Grasha är grundare av Muff - kulturantropolog och matkreatör, brinner för möte mellan människor. Rostat bröd med sesampastej och honung är det godaste hon vet.

Christin Ekstrand Simryd

Christin har hyrt in sig i flera år hos MyYoganess för att erbjuda MediYoga och Gongbad. Från Hösten 2022 är fokus på gongbaden. Christin är MediYoga terapeut och lärare, mindfulness Instruktör, I Am Instruktör, Waibing Instruktör och gongspelare.

Linda Vikström Nielsen
Yoga for leaders

Linda has offered yoga on Wednesday evenings at My Yoganess since 2019 with a focus on gentle and grounding flows, breath work and meditation. She is active in the leadership development program ‘For Executive women’ where she leads yoga classes and conversations about yogic philosophy and leadership. Linda has worked as a leader for over 15 years and is passionately curious about how the yogic wisdom can contribute to more sustainable and grounded leaders in an everchanging world.